Fusion Youth Way of life

Preferable Future: 
Here at New Gate Church Intl, it is our passion to see the Fusion Youth enter adulthood with a relationship with God, while making their life count.   

  • An intimate relationship with God
  • A knowledge of His Word
  • A passion for prayer and worship
  • The desire and the ability to share the gospel with others
  • Discernment to know and do God's will
  • Godly friendships that will encourage and sharpen each other
  • A desire for ministry and involvement in the church


1. Reaching UP to God is primary. (Matt. 22.23, John 17.3)
2. Reaching OUT to others is a natural second. (Matt. 22.39; John 13.35)
Obviously believing in God is not enough, there has to be a natural translation of that belief into living actions, demonstrating the touch of Christ in the lives of families in our community and the world at large.
Reaching young people from Jr. High, High School, through College.


"We Win Souls & Make Disciples, Empowering People, Transforming Nations"